IBM AIX操作系统安装手册_图文并茂

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:472

IBM AIX主机操作系统安装过程
1 操作系统的安装过程:
2 选择的安装软件包
3 基本服务器及补丁安装
4 修改系统参数
5 打开AIO
6 修改TMP文件空间:
7 修改SWAP交换区
8 修改系统参数
9 修改64位应用,
10 修改内核参数为64位
11 修改网络参数

3、将 AIX 5L安装盘1/7 插入光驱。
4、待机器出现 powerPC 时,按5 键选择default boot list。
5、在如下提示:Please define the System Console
Type the F1 key and press Enter to use this display as the system console.
按F1 键选择控制台并回车。
6、出现如下提示:1 Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install.
选择键 1 ,以English作为安装语言并回车。
Welcome to Base Operation System Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press Enter choice is indicated by.
1 Start Install Now with Default Settings
2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install
3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery
选择2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install并回车
Installation and Settings
Either type 0 and press enter to install with current settings,or type the number of the setting
you want to change and press enter.
1 system settings
method of installation…………………………………………….presservation
Disk where you wang to install hdisk0
2 primaty language environment settings(after install):
cultural convention ………………………………………………..English (united states)
language…………………………………………………………….. English (united states)
keyboard……………………………………………………………. English (united states)
Keyboard type………………………………………………………default
3 more optons (desktop,security,kernel,software,…….)
0 insall with the current settings listed above.
选择1 new and complete overwrite.全新安装
