oracle duplicate standby database 报ORA-05507错误解决方法

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:769

duplicate standby database 报ORA-05507错误解决方法

实施dataguard时,在duplicate standby database时报ORA-05507 ERROR

rman target / nocatalog

backup database format '/rman/%U.bak' include current controlfile for standby;

然后在备库,用duplicate命令在线进行复制时 报以下错误
rman target sys/abcdefg@orcl nocatalog auxiliary /
duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck;
报rman-05507 standby controlfile checkpoint (62423113) is more recent than duplication point in time (62423113)
[font=Courier New]Problem Description

You notice that the checkpoint of the standby controlfile is more recent than
the specified RMAN duplication point in time or the last archivelog.

Solution Description
If an explicit point in time was specified, you can change it to be
the same as the controlfile checkpoint.

Or, you can archive (and backup/copy)the current log. Switching the online
redolog and backup the archive should get everything in sync.

[font=Courier New]可以用alter system archive log current命令解决
[font=Courier New]备份脚本如下:增加alter system archive log current
[font=Courier New] rman target / nocatalog
backup database format '/rman/%U.bak' include current controlfile for standby;
sql '[font=Courier New]alter system archive log current';
[font=Courier New]Example:
RMAN-05507: standby controlfile checkpoint (29952631) is more recent than
duplication point in time (29952625)

Try using backing up current log in backup script. with the current log switch
and backing up the archivelog.

run {
--use type as appropriate
allocate channel c1 type 'SBT_TAPE' parms
---use env as appropriate of your location
backup database include current controlfile for standby;
sql "alter system archive log current";
backup archivelog all;


Additional Search Words
rman-05507 standby controlfile duplicate db
