oracle GlodenGate 在各个平台下的安装

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:360

oracle GlodenGate 在各个平台下的安装

oracle glodengate 安装相对于与oracle的安装就简单多了
1. 将软件ftp(二进制模式上传)到目标服务器上的指定目录下

2. 解压缩安装文件到指定目录
Extract the gzipped tar file (use the gzip or tar options appropriate for your system). The files are placed in the current directory. If gzip is not installed, unzip the file on a Windows system by using WinZip or an equivalent compression product, and then FTP the file in binary format to the installation machine.
gzip -dc .tar.gz | tar -xvof -

3. 进入到GoldenGate的安装目录.
4. 运行GGSCI
5. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create the GoldenGate working directories.
CREATE SUBDIRS [backcolor=#c0c0c0]
6. Issue the following command to exit GGSCI.
